Anselm Kiefer

The Seven Heavenly Palaces 2004-2015

On 25 September 2015 Pirelli HangarBicocca unveiled the new installation by Anselm Kiefer: the new display, curated by Vicente Todolí, is an expansion of The Seven Heavenly Palaces, the permanent work conceived for the opening of Pirelli HangarBicocca in 2004 and based on a project by Lia Rumma. 

Curated by Vicente Todolí

Permanent Installation

  • Together with the seven “towers” – now open for the public to walk through – five large-format paintings, made between 2009 and 2013, will form a single installation entitled The Seven Heavenly Palaces 2004-2015.

  • Five large paintings are on show in the space of the “Navate” that contain The Seven Heavenly Palaces, adding to the permanent installation and giving new meaning to Anselm Kiefer’s masterpiece. 

  • The Seven Heavenly Palaces, including the great architectural constructions of the past viewed as an attempt by man to ascend to the divine, with the constellations represented by means of astronomical numbering.


The artist:

Anselm Kiefer


Born in 1945 in Donaueschingen, Germany

Main Exibitions

First exhibition in 1969 at the Kunstverein in Hanover

  • He has twice taken part in Documenta (1977 and 1988).

  • Venice Biennale (1980 and 1997).

  • In 2007 the Musée du Louvre commissioned Kiefer to create a new work for its permanent collection and, in the same year, he made a site-specific installation for Monumenta at the Grand Palais in Paris.

  • Jaipur (2009);

  • two works of the series entitled Cette obscure clarté qui tombe des étoiles (2011);

  • Alchemie (2012)

  • Die deutsche Heilslinie (2012-2013). 

The paintings

When to visit the exibition




Pirelli HangarBicocca’s permanent installations and temporary shows are open to the public from Thursday to Sunday, 10 AM to 10 PM.

Last admission to the shows is at 9.15 PM.

 Where to eat?


The Iuta Bistrot at Pirelli HangarBicocca is open Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 11 AM to 4 PM, Thursdays to Sundays from 10 AM to midnight.

Information and booking:

Iuta Bistrot

 Where to eat


The Iuta Bistrot at Pirelli HangarBicocca is open Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 11 AM to 4 PM, Thursdays to Sundays from 10 AM to midnight.

Information and booking:

Iuta Bistrot

How to reach Hangar Bicocca

  • FROM SESTO MARELLI (M1 – Red Line)
    Take bus Line 51 (Direction: Istria M5) to the stop Via Chiese – HangarBicocca
    Take bus Line 87 (Direction: Stazione Centrale) to the stop Via Chiese

  • FROM PONALE (M5 – Lilla Line)
    Take bus Line 51 (Direction: Cimiano M2) to the stop Via Chiese – HangarBicocca

    Take bus Line 87 (Direction: Sesto Marelli M1) to the stop Via Chiese – HangarBicocca

  • FROM STAZIONE CENTRALE (M2 – Green Line / M3 – Yellow Line)
    Take bus Line 87 (Direction: Sesto Marelli M1) to the stop Via Chiese – HangarBicocca
    Take bus Line 728 (Direction: Cinisello B. – Bicocca Università) to the stop Viale Sarca – Via Chiese

    Take subway M5 – Lilla Line (Direction: Bignami) to the stop PONALE
    Take bus Line 51 (Direction: Cimiano M2) to the stop Via Chiese – HangarBicocca